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Who is VEUKO

The Kachelofen (original tiled stove)
An European product of quality
The VEUKO is an European platform for information and consulting of the European Associations of the stove-fitter’s trade and has following important objectives:
  • Periodic information and editing of publications concerning actual events relating to organisation, promotion and profession.
  • Coordination of exchange of knowledge relating to technology and profession
  • Corporate development of future questions
  • Representation of specific concerns in Brussels
  • Care of helpful relations

First steps to an international exchange of information between the associations and guilds are taken in the year 1966. On 17th January 1966 there was a first meeting of the associations of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The next important steps were the following ones:

1966 formation of the meeting of 3 countries by Germany, Austria and Switzerland

1985 meeting of 4 countries by the joining of South Tyrol

1986 first bylaws of the union

1988 publication of the first press communiqué

1998 Admission of Luxembourg and so an advancement to a meeting of 5 countries

2002 Admission of Hungary

2003 Foundation of VEUKO as a registered European association

2004 Admission of Slovakia and Czech Republic

Key activities

The key activities and consulting in VEUKO act upon the wishes of the members, e.g. to compare the educational systems of the members and working out recommendations. These combined efforts should be promoted and financial supported by the European Union.

Key topics for intensive consulting are costing of stove-fitters, development of procedures especially for stove-fitters, the significance of pellets for the tile stove sector, presentation of latest developments, computer aided designing of tiled stoves and heating appliances and a proposal for an European Standard for one off tile stoves.

To ensure the tile stove sector in the long run, an European image campaign pro tile stove was considered. Starting from Switzerland, where such a project is already carried out, a pan-European campaign could be developed. This campaign pro tile stove should last over several years and should be supported by a European VEUKO-initiated competition for stove-fitters.

European platform

“VEUKO is on the right way to be a professional representation of our stove fitter’s trade in Europe” a member said proudly at the end of the annual congress. This will be clearly apparent in the future, because of a new modern logo and a new homepage.

Against the background of the festivities of the EU-enlargement Slovakia and the Czech Republic were affiliated into the VEUKO on 1st May 2004 – a historic date for Europe. So the VEUKO counts already 8 members and more manifest their wish of joining.

Annual Congress

Once a year a congress takes place, which is intermittently carried out by the member countries. The target of the annual congress of the united European associations of the stove-fitter’s trade is an exchange of information between the associations on a high professional level.

Among free coverage about the most important questions of the last year key topics were discussed, supported by technical presentations, at this congress.

Meeting of the delegates

The VEUKO established itself more and more as a platform, where a balance of interests between guilds and associations of the member countries takes place and where combined requests are discussed and represented against other trades and in Brussels.

At the meeting of the delegates, which takes place following to the annual congress, the accordant decisions and additions of new members are made.

Members of VEUKO (Standing January 2006)

Germany: Der Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima mit der Bundesfachgruppe Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau


Fédération des Patrons Ramoneurs et Ramoneurs-Fumistes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg


Österreichischer Kachelofenverband gemeinsam mit der Bundesinnung der Hafner, Platten- und Fliesenleger und Keramiker


Die Berufsgemeinschaft der Hafner Südtirols, Associazione Costruttori in Maiolika


Kachelofenverband der Slowakei

Czech Republic:

Kachelofenverband der Tschechischen Republik


Stiftung „Für den Beruf der ungarischen Kachelofenbauer“


Die Vereinigung europäischer Verbände des Kachelofenbauer/Hafner-Handwerks (VEUKO) ist seit kurzem Mitglied der „european association of building crafts and design“ (EACD). Diese Organisation, die man vereinfacht mit „Europaverband des gestaltenden Handwerks übersetzen kann, wurde vor acht Jahren von Steinmetzen und Steinbildhauern gegründet, die bereits seit 1997 den Gedankenaustausch auf europäischer Ebene pflegten. Heute hat die EACD 26 Mitgliedsorganisationen aus 15 Nationen. Drunter vor allem Berufsverbände, Handwerkskammern, Bauhütten und Schulen wie etwa die HTL Hallein. Die EACD kann man getrost als mächtige Handwerksorganisation bezeichnen. In ihrem Beirat sitzen immerhin so bedeutende Leute wie der Premierminister Luxemburgs Jean-Claude Juncker oder Mag. Susanne Neuwirth, die Vizepräsidentin des Österreichischen Bundesrates. Die VEUKO ist diesem Dachverband hauptsächlich aus drei Gründen beigetreten: Die Qualifikation von Handwerksgesellen- und meistern soll auf europäischer Ebene gestärkt und höher bewertet werden. Traditionelles Handwerk schützt altes Kulturgut und historische Werte. Handwerker brauchen aber ebenso modernste Technologie und die damit verbundene hochqualifizierte Ausbildung, um auch in Zukunft bestehen zu können.